Age Group
14 - 18 year olds
Year Group
Key Stage 4 +
50 - 90 minutes
Group Size
1 - 300
Resource Pack?
Follow Up Workshop
Included in the session
Digital Version?
Online & face-to-face available
Back to Our Future: The Resilience Session
In education, we should expect to be challenged. Assessments, course work and deadlines can be stressful, even the most focused students can feel the pressure at times. Our life choices and situations outside of education can sometimes hinder our ability to stay and succeed in education.
This session is about understanding and identifying what our stressors are and how we deal with them. Importantly, we ask students to identify whether they can control certain stressors in their lives. In most cases, some of the choices being made by students outside of education exacerbate stressful situations. Relationships, social media, lack of motivation, preparation and confidence can all lead to difficult times.
We take a candid look at key factors leading to student dropouts and use relatable case studies and discussions to explore why resilience is a skill we can (and should) continue developing.
Colleges and Universities
This session is designed for FE and HE students but is applicable to any students undergoing assessments and examinations. We work with institutions that focus on student well-being. Happier students stay in education.
- Having a better awareness of their own reactions to stressful situations.
- Safely exploring alternative approaches to handling failure and disappointment
- Feeling empowered to take responsibility and makes changes where they can
- Overcoming fear and understanding why fear hinders our progression in life
"2engage delivered a very professional and thought-provoking session with our learners centred around the topic of resilience. It was clear to see the experience both Ed and Phil have in the Further Education Sector as the session was pitched perfectly to the target audience and balanced with humour. The sessions were interactive and extremely well received by the learners from Stoke on Trent College. Thank You."
Calvin Austin - Learner Involvement Co-ordinator
"Thank you to Ed and Phil for their delivery of the college's 'Big Tutorial’ learners and staff both agreed it was a great session and enjoyed by all, especially the sections where engagement from the audience was encouraged. The sessions have provided valuable teaching to the learners which will help them with challenges they may face in the future."
Claire Oliver - Safeguarding and Learner Wellbeing Coordinator
Key Themes